Until you run around a soccer field with kids for a few hours, it is easy to forget how out of shape you actually are. This week during our church’s Mega Sports Camp, I realized that I am very much out of shape.
This year was our best year yet at Mega Sports Camp yet. We introduced baseball for the first time, and we also had our traditional basketball, soccer, archery and sports swords for the kids to participate in. I think all the kids had a great time, and I know for sure I did. A few things I love about sports camp….
1. It gives me the chance to get to know some kids I haven’t met before from Calvary, and the community.
2. It is a great event for kids to invite their friends to, as almost everyone loves sports.
3. It is a great mix of having fun with sports, and having fun during the coaches huddle times (devotional times).
4. It get’s me out of my office and staff meetings for the week
In fact, I love sports camps so much that we are probably going to be offering some more soon. So keep an eye out for some upcoming sports clinics. We will probably be offering archery again in the fall, and then baseball in the spring.
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